Online Help
Adding a case
To create a new case, click on "Create Case" from the top menu of U-Speak.
The Create Case tool is separated into three different steps.
Step 1 – Case Type
In the first step requires you to select what type of case you're going to be adding, an Opinion, or a request for information or action. Select one of the three by clicking the respective radio button.
Step 2 - Constituent information
The next step is common for all three case types. It allows you to register the information of the constituent submitting this case.
You can fill in the following information:
- Title: Select a title from the drop-down menu.
- First Name: Enter the first name of the constituent
- Last name: Enter the last name of the constituent
- Address: Enter the address of the constituent. This field can be used by the mapping feature to find the constituent's location on the map.
- Phone Number: Enter the phone number of the constituent.
- Cell phone number: Enter the mobile phone number of the constituent. If you're planning on replying to the constituent via SMS, make sure you fill in this field.
- Email: Enter the email address of the constituent. If you're planning on replying to the constituent via email, make sure you fill in this field.
- Date of Birth: Enter the date of birth of the constituent. You can either manually enter the date or select it from the calendar.
- Gender: Enter the gender of the constituent by selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
- Language: Select the language of the constituent from the drop-down box.
- Other language: Enter any additional information that's not covered in the previous field.
On the map at the bottom of the Step 2 form, you can place a pin to indicate a location related to the case.
Step 3 – Case Details
This form includes the following fields:
- Title: Enter the title of the case.
- Status: Enter the status of the case: New, Open, Rejected or Closed.
- Assignee: From this drop-down box, you select a user to assign a case to. This user can be non-MP user but it needs to be a registered user.
- Level: Select an entry from the list that signifies the level of the case.
- Description: Enter the description of the case.
Click Save to submit the case.
Filtering cases
The filters section allows you to filter your cases by:
- Status: You can select a status from the drop-down box.
- Label: You can select one of the labels from the drop-down box.
- Types: You can select a case type from the drop-down box.
After selecting the appropriate filter(s), click on "Go" to apply your choices
Searching cases
The search field at the top right corner of U-Speak, provides you with the ability to search through the title or description of a case using keywords.
Case list
The cases table contains seven columns and the header of some of the columns can be used to sort it. By default the table is sorted by Date.
To sort a column, you need to click on the header of each column. A small arrow next to the title of the header indicates whether the cases are listed in an ascending or descending rank.
- The first column contains a checkbox that can be used in combination with the Actions menu to quickly change the status of a case or assign a label to it.
- The 'Date' column displays the date on which the case was submitted.
- The third column gives you the ability to "star" a case for later reference. You can click on the greyed-out star to mark a case as "starred". You can later sort the cases depending on whether they are starred or not. Clicking on a red star will remove it from the case and show it as greyed-out again.
- The 'Title' column contains the title of the case. Rolling over the case title with your mouse will display a bubble with a small summary of the case.
- The 'Status' column displays the current status of the case.
Manage labels
The Folders menu contains a link to the Labels Manager.
This section allows you to create, edit or delete a label as well as information regarding how many cases currently use a specific label.
Change profile settings
To change your profile's settings, click on the "My Account" link at the top right part of the page.
You can change the following fields:
- Name: This field will display the name you provided during the registration.
- Password: Change your current password.
- Confirm password: Confirm the password you provided above.
- Email address: Change your current email address.
- Confirm email address: Confirm the email you provided above.
- Mobile Number: Change or add a mobile number to your profile to enable notifications and communicatio from the platform through SMS.
- Notifications: Select what type of notification you'd like to receive. Selecting SMS requires an active mobile number.